The puree diet entails blending foods so that they are a liquid. This diet can be followed for a variety of reasons. For my medical nutrition therapy class, we had the opportunity to follow the diet, and I chose to do it in order to see how a patient would feel. This was my reflection that I wrote for my class:

After following the puree diet for two days, it made me realize how challenging it is for patients to change their diets and habits. I am usually up at 5:00 am everyday to train, and after I train, I enjoy oatmeal with protein powder and an apple for breakfast. Since implementing the puree diet, I did not get the same satisfaction of drinking the meal as compared to eating it. Also, I eat a lot of snacks throughout the day, and it was more challenging to puree my food throughout the day.

    This experience made me realize that it is a lot more challenging than I would imagine to change my diet. Food is an integral part of life, and when asking someone to change their habits, that is not something to be taken lightly. It is very easy to tell a patient how to change their diet, but when asked to change your own diet, it makes you take a second look at how difficult change is. I have a routine I follow every day and changing that made me realize how difficult it can be for patients to do the same. Since doing this, I will have even more respect for my patient’s struggles when making changes to their diet. 

Kristina Petit

Nutrition and Fitness


Reflection After following puree diet

Kristina Petit

Nutrition and Fitness

It's Time To

Challenge Yourself...

Let's Get Started!​

Kristina Petit

Nutrition and Fitness

It's Time To Challenge Yourself... Let's Get Started!​